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Sale Information

Pre Sale Preview Day

  • Friday 12, September 2025
  • Macquarie Ram Depot, “Carinya” Ballimore NSW
  • From 9:30am to 4pm

    • Wednesday 24, September 2025
    • Macquarie Ram Depot, “Carinya” Ballimore NSW
    • Inspection from 9:30am
    • Sale 1pm
    • 180 Specially Selected Dohne Rams

Contact Us

John Nadin
Mobile: 0427 474 610

Greg McCann
Mobile: 0499 865 120

Stud Representatives:
Will Nadin
Mobile: 0430 315 558

James Nadin
Mobile: 0439 709 306

Peter Nadin
Mobile: 0439 717 677

Stud Classer:
James Koster
Mobile: 0427 546 873

Macquarie Dohnes Office
Tanya Barton
Mobile: 0429 208 674

Dohne Stamp

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Central West Genetics

Newspaper Stories

Nadin gets foot in the door early

Now a wool buyer for G Schneider Australia, he is grateful for getting his foot in the door a year and a half ago. “Everyone’s tailored differently, and I think there are people who are suited to uni and who need it for certain careers, but I don’t think I was built for it,” he said. “I’m a believer in the otherside, where experience is just as valuable.” Continue reading

The ‘best of both worlds’

BOTH carcase and wool quality are achievable using dual purpose Dohne genetics, says Barker Trading Partnership owner, Wal Barker, “Cooroora”, Grenfell. He owns and leases land for his mixed farming enterprise across a total of 1821 hectares. Previously a pure Merino breeder of many years, Mr Barker said they changed to Dohnes when the wool prices slumped and did not pick up for 15 years. “We were selling wether lambs and thought we better have a better body,” he said. Mr Barker now joins 3400 pure Dohne ewes to lamb in September. His flock is self-replacing and he retains up to 90 per cent of the ewe lambs each year. Continue reading

Producer seeks the best of both worlds

After a steady climb from a small flock of Dohne breeders to more than 1000, a Larras Lee producer is confident the dual-purpose breed could be the one to watch, as more producers look to gain maximum use out of their sheep. Chris Reiss with partner Wendy Crockett, “Iona”, Larras Lee, near Molong, operates a mixed farming operation, including 1400 Dohne breeding ewes. Continue reading

Australian Dohne Merino sheep genetics excelling in South America

AUSTRALIA looks set to continue being the source of South America’s Dohne Merino sheep genetics with the trade worth a significant amount to local breeders. Dohne industry consultant Roberto Cardellino from Uruguay said at the recent Global Dohne Conference this was because South America couldn’t import genetics from South Africa. Continue reading

Rethink genetic traceability, producer says

A RETHINK on genetic traceability has been proposed by last year’s winner of the JBS Great Southern Lamb Supplier of the Year Awards. South Australia’s Wayne Hawkins, Circle H Farms, Frances, was up against hundreds of producers to win the JBS competition with Dohne/White Suffolk prime lambs. Continue reading

National focus on breeding ewe flock

At the 2016 Global Dohne Conference, Dubbo, Geoff Duddy, Sheep Solutions, Leeton, discussed the Dohne breed role in the sheep industry's future. Continue reading

Dohnes judged for first time at Australian Sheep and Wool Show

DOHNE sheep were shown and judged for the first time ever in Australia at this year’s Australian Sheep and Wool Show in Bendigo. With more than 40 international delegates in Australia for the Global Dohne Conference, Australian breeders used the opportunity put their sheep under examination using a unique judging system. Continue reading

Breeders look forward to showcasing Dohnes at Australian Sheep and Wool Show

Dohnes are celebrating 50 years of the breed, and Australia will host the breed’s Global Dohne Conference. Australian Dohne Breeders Association president Richard Beggs said the industry was looking forward to showing just what impact the South African breed had made locally. Continue reading

Dohne breed debuts at National sheep show

AFTER a four-decade hiatus from the global show arena, the Dohne breed has re-entered the ring and chosen the Australian Sheep and Wool Show, Bendigo as their show debut. Continue reading

Bruce Peat of Three Rivers Specialty Meats at Echuca stakes a claim

BUTCHER, abattoir owner, farmer — Bruce Peat has done it all. But while these days he spends most time on his 2630ha property, Bultarra, at Bunnaloo in southern NSW, he remains a meat processor at heart. “The average weight of a sheep when I first started was 17kg,” said Bruce, while deftly boning a carcass. “Now it’s 22kg and we get them up as big as 26kg.” Continue reading