The Macquarie Dohne Stud was instrumental in introducing The Dohne breed into Australia and establishing the Breed Association and the breeding objectives for the Dohne in Australia .
Macquarie Dohne Stud has the largest number of registered stud ewes in Australia and has the objective of remaining one of the most influential Dohne studs in Australia.
Macquarie is one of the largest Dohne studs in Australia selling up to 500 rams annually and has 1800 registered pure-bred stud breeding ewes in 5 families.
Macquarie has focused on early growth rates combined with long staple, bright, soft handling, well nourished, quality wool that handles all environments.
Australian Sheep and Wool Show 2024
Supreme Dohne Exhibit
22 Broad Ribbons
Most Successful Exhibitor Sheep and Wool

Macquarie continued it’s exemplary success at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show (ASWS) in Bendigo, where the Dohne was feature breed.
Of the 29 broad ribbons on offer in the sheep and fleece showing, Macquarie won 22 of them including the Supreme Exhibit with a 5 year old Wardry family special stud donor ewe. This is on par with last years record ASWS success (24 broad ribbons). Macquarie has now won all 3 Supreme Exhibits at the ASWS; 2016, 2023 & 2024.
In the fleece section Macquarie won the best 3 fleeces and best single fleece in both the 9-12 months and 6-8 months growth, the latter for a record sixth time in succession.
MD Empire 21-4545 x Elite Sire MD19-1323
NSW Champion Senior Ram June Shorn, Champion Senior Ram June Shorn, Grand Champion Senior Ram, Supreme Exhibit at the 2023 Australian Sheep and Wool Show.
MD Empire 17-4684 ‘Bob’ x Elite Sire MD15-1827
NSW Champion Ram and Pair, and overall Reserve Grand Champion Pair at the 2019 Australian Sheep and Wool Show. MD174684 sold at the Victorian Dohne Ram Sale 2019 for a record price $13,000, purchased by RW & EA McColl Meredith, VIC.
The Dual-Purpose Dohne Merino
- Self-Replacing
- Prime Lamb
- Early Maturity (Outstanding Growth Rates)
- Quality Merino Wool (18-21micron)
- Exceptional Prime Lamb Dams
- Bare Breech
- High Fertility
- Exceptional Mothering
- Quality Assured Breeding System
- The only fully pedigreed sheep breed in Australia
- Modern objective technology combined with strict subjective appraisal
Macquarie Dohne Stud Offers
- Genetic Diversity
- Large selection
- Promotion of daughter studs and flock client’s products
- Professional classing, management and breeding consultancy
- Veterinary expertise
- Liaison with meat processors