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Sale Information

Pre Sale Preview Day

  • Friday 12, September 2025
  • Macquarie Ram Depot, “Carinya” Ballimore NSW
  • From 9:30am to 4pm

    • Wednesday 24, September 2025
    • Macquarie Ram Depot, “Carinya” Ballimore NSW
    • Inspection from 9:30am
    • Sale 1pm
    • 180 Specially Selected Dohne Rams
Contact Us

John Nadin
Mobile: 0427 474 610

Greg McCann
Mobile: 0499 865 120

Stud Representatives:
Will Nadin
Mobile: 0430 315 558

James Nadin
Mobile: 0439 709 306

Peter Nadin
Mobile: 0439 717 677

Stud Classer:
James Koster
Mobile: 0427 546 873

Macquarie Dohnes Office
Tanya Barton
Mobile: 0429 208 674

Dohne Stamp

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Central West Genetics

2021 September Newsletter

Ram Preview Day
Friday 10th September 2021
9:30am – 4pm Due to COVID- By Appointment
All auction rams will be penned in lot order

2021 On Property Ram Sale
Wednesday 22nd September 2021
Inspection – 9.30 Sale – 1pm.
200 unhoused 2020 drop rams.

247L Dunedoo Road, Ballimore NSW – Refreshments will be available

Printable Sale Catalogue
Full Sale Catalogue
Macquarie Stud Booklet

Ram Sales are considered an essential service and we have been advised that they are a sufficient reason to travel. For those who can’t travel, we will once again, be interfaced with AuctionsPlus. For those that feel more comfortable with bidding over the phone we have plenty of agent representatives available (refer list below)

Link to AuctionsPlus:

2021 Sale Rams

This years sale rams are a tremendous draft of high quality genetics.

These rams are all unhoused and have been run on predominant perennial grass pastures. As with our policy (except during drought) these rams have never received any grain or pellet in any form nor have they been run on irrigation.

Sires from 5 families are represented in the sale offering clients a large genetic pool.

The first 5 rams in the draft were reserved for our own use and would suit stud use.

The mothers of these auction rams have, on average, reared 3.3 lambs each from an average of 2 matings.

At Macquarie, we are great believers in ASBVs ….. AS A GUIDE. We are breeding sheep, not figures. No ram or ewe is selected on ASBVs. We fine tune with figures after they have been subjectively classed.

Foremost for James and for me is structure, soundness, make and shape, staple length, lock, wool character, style, lustre, handle and nourishment …… traits that aren’t measured by ASBVs.

The Macquarie ‘Type’ is recognised throughout the industry and attracts premiums through Auctions Plus, sale yards and processors. Our clients’ results are testament to this. Recently, the Currey Family, ‘Aberfoyle’ Walgett NSW, sold their wether lambs over the hook at TFI, Tamworth for an average $264. These lambs were grown on natural country and averaged 32.2kg dressed.

We don’t profess to have the highest figures in the country but we are consistent (see bell curve below).

It must also be mentioned that Macquarie has the highest number of Dohne animals in the Sheep Genetics database – 21,019, 36.4% more than the stud with the second highest recorded animals (13,365). We are also one of the highest linked studs, selling stud rams to all states and all environments.

This linkage gives us accuracy but not necessarily high figures. For example;

MD13-7021 has been used 9 studs with 1035 progeny across 4 states.

His accuracy percentage levels compared with the sires in the ADBA sire reproduction evaluation which average 2 studs per sire and 246 progeny per sire are:

Embryo Transfer

Through Greg and CWG, we are in a unique position in driving genetics.

Each year our best performing ewes are flushed. These ewes have 20 years (four generations) of genetic performance recording.

The genetic gain is massive. This years classing of the 20 drop ET rams and ewes resulted in no culls.

Later this year we will be flushing 120 elite ewes with the aim of transferring 800 embryos. This will not only drive our numbers but our quality.

Dam Average Adult Body Weight (Dam AWT)

A concern for the whole Australian sheep industry is adult body weight.

There is an optimal ewe efficiency balance that will vary from region to region, enterprise and management.

We recognised early on that adult body weight needed to be addressed.

All ewes at Macquarie are weighed pre joining and again at weaning. Over the last 10 years we have reduced the average adult ewe body weight by 9kg, without affecting early growth rates (average weaned lamb has increased by 6.6kg over 15 years) or wool cut.

We have decided to include the rams dam average adult body weight in this years catalogue.

The average (pre joining) Dam Adult Body Weight of our sale team is 64.8 kg.

Intramuscular Fat (IMF)

Our eye muscle and fat scanner, Chris Parker, is experienced in scoring for intramuscular fat. Chris scored all rams from 0 to 7 ….. seven being the highest for marbling.

By all reports the consumers prefer a scoring of 3 – 5 for meat eating quality.

It’s early days yet but we thought we’d include the score in this years catalogue.

Vale John Bruce Nadin

13/2/1936 – 31/8/2021

As I was writing this newsletter my father, who’d been ill for many years, passed away peacefully.

I owe my passion for sheep, wool and work ethic to dad and I’m proud that these traits have been passed on to his grandchildren. An excellent, passionate wool man, he taught me everything there is to know about wool.

I can visualise him now mothering lambs at 6.30 am on a frosty southern tablelands morning in his gum boots and with his blue woollen beanie on.

Rest In Peace JB.

Governor-General Sir William Slim placing the prize ribbon on the NSW Sheep Show ram grand champion held by John Nadin.

We look forward to catching up throughout the selling season.
For further sale enquires and ram preview day bookings please contact:

John Nadin 0427 474 610

James Koster 0427 546 873

Greg McCann 0499 865 120

Will Nadin
0430 315 558

James Nadin 0439 709 306

Clemson Hiscox & Co, Walgett NSW
Chris Clemson 0428 287 222 

Russell Hiscox 0428 281 248

Auctioneer: Paul Dooley 0458 662646

Auction phone bidding contacts :

Peter Milling & Co

Bruce Bryant 0428 451 092

Tom Pollard 0499 823 544

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