2019 Victorian Sale Results
Record Victorian auction price for Dohne
BY ANDREW MILLER Stock & Land 1st November 2019
40 of 58 rams sold to $13,000, av $2143
A NSW Dohne stud has achieved a record Victorian auction price for one its rams, at the breed’s 15th annual invitation ram sale in Ballarat.
John Nadin’s Macquarie stud, Warren, NSW, sold Lot 1, an April 2017-drop ram, for $13,000, to the McColl family, Bamganie.
Rob McColl said he was prepared to pay a few thousand dollars more for the ram, as he was worth it. “I love the straight back on him,” Mr McColl said. “I also like the stance on him. “He had good feet, a very good rear end on him, and is well-sprung in the ribs.”
Mr McColl said the family had been involved in producing wool since 1854 and had been with Macquarie Dohnes for many years. “Overall, I am very happy,” he said.
“He will be used over stud ewes and we will put the offspring back through the commercial side of the operation. “We’ve been pretty happy with the Macquarie bloodlines.”
The ram had scanned figures of a post-weaning weight (PWT) of 6.2 kilograms, a post-eye muscle depth (PEMD) of 1.1 millimetres, post-weaning fat (PFAT) of 0.4mm, a yearling clean fleece weight (YCFW) of 10.5 per cent and yearling fibre diameter co-efficient of variation (YFDCV) of -1.3pc. It was in the top 10pc for PWT, YFDCV and the Dohne plus index of 154.
The ram’s figures were also in the top 30pc for EMD, PFAT and YCFW. He was also champion NSW Dohne ram at the Australian Sheep & Wool Show in Bendigo earlier this year.
Macquarie also sold the second top-priced ram, Lot 2, for $5000, to West Wail, Pimpinio. The ram had figures of a PWT of 4.7kg, a PEMD of 0.0mm, PFAT of 0.2mm, a YCFW of 11pc, a YFD of -1.0 and a YDCV of -0.8pc. It was one of two rams the Ellis family bought at the auction. “There were a couple of nice stud ones there,” Luke Ellis, West Wail, said. The stud chose the ram on the basis of its body shape, rump and wool. “Overall, he was a pretty good package,” Mr Ellis said.
“We hope he will help out with the length and style of our wool.” Mr Nadin said the sale price was a record at auction in Victoria. “We sold one privately for $15,000 in the mid 2000’s,” Mr Nadin said.
Conditions at the property were “very, very ordinary”. “But it gives you a bit of confidence when you can sell rams like we did,” he said. “Overall, the whole sale was pretty solid.”
Mr Nadin said the ram had benefited from supplementary feeding, but hadn’t been housed. “He’s the sort of ram that the McColls do like,” he said.
“But the South Australians were bidding on him, and I think the West Australians might have been a bit interested as well.”He attracted a lot of attention, as that family is one of our oldest.”
Mr Nadin said he still had a strong contingent of rams from the family of the top-priced animal on the property. “That’s why we have let him go,” he said. “I have a half brother, a one-year-old, who we are collecting semen from.”
Four studs, Macquarie, Kardinia, Corowa, NSW, Glenaroua, Kilmore, and Stirling, Glenthompson, were represented.
Macquarie sold 16 of the 22 rams it offered, Glenaroua 13 of 16, Kardinia 10 of 16 and Stirling 1 of 4. Volume buyers included Russell Coad, Lambruk, Shelford, who bought 14, and TR, CN & ED Peel, who bought four.
Buyers who picked up three rams included JJ and JE Elliott, W Mason and Sons and McKinnon and Bailey.
Elders auctioneer Ross Milne said the sale average of more than $2000 was as high as it had been for some time. “The vendors are getting return clientele coming to buy these rams, which is very pleasing,” Mr Milne said.