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Sale Information

Pre Sale Preview Day

  • Friday 12, September 2025
  • Macquarie Ram Depot, “Carinya” Ballimore NSW
  • From 9:30am to 4pm

    • Wednesday 24, September 2025
    • Macquarie Ram Depot, “Carinya” Ballimore NSW
    • Inspection from 9:30am
    • Sale 1pm
    • 180 Specially Selected Dohne Rams
Contact Us

John Nadin
Mobile: 0427 474 610

Greg McCann
Mobile: 0499 865 120

Stud Representatives:
Will Nadin
Mobile: 0430 315 558

James Nadin
Mobile: 0439 709 306

Peter Nadin
Mobile: 0439 717 677

Stud Classer:
James Koster
Mobile: 0427 546 873

Macquarie Dohnes Office
Tanya Barton
Mobile: 0429 208 674

Dohne Stamp

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DOHNE LOGO 2015 small

Central West Genetics

2017 December

Macquarie year in review

As the year comes to an end we have record prices for both lamb and wool. Combine these with fertility, doing ability, longevity and the value of the Dohne as a prime lamb dam, astute graziers realise the true value of the Dohne who’s popularity is continuing rise.
Congratulations to our clients on their magnificent results throughout 2017 (too many to mention individually!). Due to management and genetics, client’s wether lambs in northern NSW sold for over $200 per head (not including shorn wool value) and wool in Western Victoria make 1773 c per kg.
Results for Macquarie blood on Auctions Plus have commanded a premium. This is due to performance, genetics, management, marketing and assessment. I commend agents involved in these assessments as they understand the Dohne and what they really yield.
Ram sales at this stage are on par with 2016 where we had one of our strongest years, selling well over 400 rams. We welcome aboard four new clients. As with all our clients, we will work with you in improving your flock, promoting your surplus sheep and lambs and classing if required.
We have just completed one of three embryo transfer programs. These 37 special donor ewes represent our breeding goals; long staple, deep crimping, stylish wools with great growth rates. Daughters of 7021 (Tom) are highly represented.
These donor ewes have been joined to leading industry sires; MD15-1827 (x Tom), KP13-2345 (WA) and AJK14-1077 (SA). Two more programs are scheduled for January.

Elite sire MD15-1827 (x Tom)

Elite sire MD15-1827 (x Tom) fleece at 6 months growth. 1827 has been used in embryo transfer and will be AI’d to 150 maiden ewes in January.

We are Artificially Inseminating 1350 special and general stud ewes in January to 9 elite sires that represent our breeding objectives……outstanding post weaning growth rates and long stapled, deep crimping elite wool. The remaining 350 stud ewes are currently being joined to a syndicate of 7021 sons.

MD15-1827 Empire (x 7021) 5.7 13.1
MD15-2068 Empire (x 7021) 6.1 9.6
MD14-1051 Majestic (x MD10-3467) 5.8 17
MD15-1399 Majestic (x MD10-3152) 3.7 5.7
MD16-3674 Empire (x MD13-7176) 6.3 11.5
MD16-2966 Wardry (x TR14-7388 WA) 4.2 11.3
KP13-2345 (WA) 7 14.1
AJK14-1077 (SA) 5.9 9.8
WW16-4785 (Vic) 3.4 6.9

Classing at Steve & Di Perry’s ‘Windabyne’ Warren NSW


Classing at Steve & Di Perry’s ‘Windabyne’ Warren NSW


Dave Hawker inspecting a top ewe during classing.


14th Annual On Property Sale
Our on-property sale saw 148 rams offered for a top price of $4500 three times and an average of $2266, increasing the average from last year by just over $200, rams sold throughout NSW, Victoria and Tasmania.

Walgett Crew – Sue Currey, John Nadin, Jake Stringer, Sam Evans, Robert Campbell, Justin O’Brien, Sam O’Brien, Mark Currey, Jim Currey, Dennis O’Brien, Chris Clemson, Michael O’Brien.


13th Annual Victorian Sale
Macquarie had the largest offering of 15 rams.
Macquarie rams topped at $3100 and recorded the highest sale average of $1705.

Victorian Dohne Ram Sale, November 2017, Ballarat VIC.

Classing nucleus ewes at West Wail Stud, Horsham Vic
L to R. John Nadin, Luke and Stan Ellis.

Private sale of MD151929 (x 7021) to Rob & Liz McColl for $5000.
L to R. Liz & Rob McColl with Tim Lord, Arcadian Wool Geelong.


Classed maiden Dohne ewes at Jude & Craig Ross’ Balmoral, VIC


Thank you to all clients, stock agents, Chris Clemson and Russell Hiscox, our classer James Koster, secretary Tanya Barton and all the staff at Macquarie Dohnes for your continued support and dedication.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year.

John Nadin

Greg McCann