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Sale Information

Pre Sale Preview Day

  • Friday 12, September 2025
  • Macquarie Ram Depot, “Carinya” Ballimore NSW
  • From 9:30am to 4pm

    • Wednesday 24, September 2025
    • Macquarie Ram Depot, “Carinya” Ballimore NSW
    • Inspection from 9:30am
    • Sale 1pm
    • 180 Specially Selected Dohne Rams

Contact Us

John Nadin
Mobile: 0427 474 610

Greg McCann
Mobile: 0499 865 120

Stud Representatives:
Will Nadin
Mobile: 0430 315 558

James Nadin
Mobile: 0439 709 306

Peter Nadin
Mobile: 0439 717 677

Stud Classer:
James Koster
Mobile: 0427 546 873

Macquarie Dohnes Office
Tanya Barton
Mobile: 0429 208 674

Dohne Stamp

Follow Us



DOHNE LOGO 2015 small

Central West Genetics

2014 Newsletter

2014 Sale Wrap

Thank you to all buyers and under bidders for your support throughout 2014. In the breakdown, Macquarie sold 180 rams at auction from 194 offered for a 93% clearance. Rams topped at $4 400 and averaged $1 653. Rams were offered at Hamilton (VIC), On Property, Hay (NSW), Ballarat (VIC) and Campbell Town (TAS).

2014 On Property Ram Sale


Photo courtesy of The Land

Brad Wilson Landmark Stud Stock Dubbo; John Nadin Macquarie Dohne Stud and his daughter Grace; buyers of the top priced ram Dianne & Stephen Perry, “Wyndabyne” Warren; Ash McGilchrist Landmark Warren; Auctioneer Paul Dooley, Tamworth and Macquarie Co-Principal Greg McCann.


Photo courtesy of The Land

Brad Wilson,  Macquarie Dohnes Stud Stock Classer James Koster, who purchased the second-top priced ram on behalf of DD Dohnes, Moama, with Ross Thompson,  Macquarie Dohnes and James and John Nadin.


Riverina Performance Ram Sale

Hay sale 2014 (3)

Photo courtesy of The Land

Chris Bowman, John and Will Nadin. Chris Bowman purchased 8 rams for new Macquarie client Mark Kearine “Euabalong Station” Euabalong NSW.


SDBG Tasmanian Invitation Sale

Tas Sale photo 2014

Photo courtesy of the Stock & Land

The top price of $1 900 was paid by Russell Fowler, ‘Bendeveron’, Bothwell TAS for a Macquarie ram.



Stud ewe classing has been completed. 800 special stud ewes will be naturally mated and 800 single stud ewes have been set aside to Artificially Inseminate (AI) to our leading stud sires. These include 13-7021(Twin).

MD137021 crop

Photo courtesy of Brad Wilson, Landmark Dubbo

‘Empire 5th’ 13-7021 elite fleece at 4 months growth

An exciting young Empire family sire out of an Ace special stud ewe 13-7021 will be AI’d to 400 ewes. Ace 09-2430 (Twin) sire has bred well and will also be used. 2430’s grandsire is MD01-100, who sold for $15 000 at the 2002 National sale. Macquarie purchased the top priced dohne ram in Australia this season for $8 000 from Ian & Steph Longmuir, Mollerin Rock Dohne Stud WA.   MR13-0022 (‘Longy’) is a true to type, long bodied sire with excellent structure. ‘Longy’ has an Index of 141.7 and ASBV’s – BW 6.1, CFW 9.1, Fat 0.2 & FD -0.6. Longy’s great great grandsire is Macquarie’s $20 000 sire MD Olympus 03-681. Longy will also be used in our upcoming AI program.

2014  sale photo

Photo courtesy of Farm Weekly

Mollerin Rock Principles Carly, Ian & Steph Longmuir with Nathan King,  ADBA classer WA.


Council Matters

Council recently held a two day face to face meeting in Melbourne.

Guest speakers included Barry Hutton, Riverlea Feedlot; Bruce Peat, Riverside Meats & Andrew Jackson, United Wool. Council heard very interesting talks from businesses which realise the value of Dohnes in their enterprise. Bruce Barnes-Webb, Graham Coddington & I form the national sub-committee for dohne carcass promotion. We are in the process of organising meetings with major processors, retailers & wholesalers throughout Australia. Before this is possible we need carcass feedback pertaining to  saleable meat yield, fat depth and eye muscle area. If you have lambs being processed in the upcoming months, please ask for this data to be collected & have it forwarded to either Bruce, Graham or me.

A meeting is currently being organised with Thomas Foods. Our aim is to not only promote the dohne but to receive feedback from the processors that can help ensure that commercial dohne breeders receive the value their Dohnes deserve.

As mentioned previously, a Quality Assurance Certificate & commercial membership package are in the process of being finalised. We are now waiting on processor feedback before issuing.


Dohnes Holding Their Own

Over the last two decades, the Australian sheep industry has changed from a wool oriented industry (1991-92 gross value of production from wool was $2.98 billion and from sheep and lambs was $0.46 billion) to a dual product industry (2011-12 GVAP for wool of $2.73 billion and for sheep and lambs of $2.90 billion). The increased emphasis on lamb production has driven an increase in the breeding ewe proportion of the flock and a rise in the importance of reproductive performance.
Data for 2010-11 and 2011-12 from ABS and MLA/AWI sheep meat and wool surveys estimated:

•    Average marking rate for pure-bred Merino lambs – 80%

•    Average marking rate for Merino cross-bred lambs – 88%

•    Average marking rate for other breed lambs – 98% (excludes Merino and first-cross Merino lambs).

Averaged across the five collection periods (2005-06, 2006-07, 2008-09, 2010-11 and 2011-12), and for all breeds of lamb produced:

•    38% of all breeding ewes were on farms that have a marking rate of less than 80%, and

•    6% of all breeding ewes were on farms that have a marking rate of over 120%. Averaged across 2010-11 and 2011-12:

•    43% of Merino ewes mated to Merino rams were on farms with purebred Merino lamb marking rates of less than 80%.

•    2% of Merino ewes mated to Merino rams were on farms with purebred Merino lamb marking rates over 120%.

Average marking rate (per cent) by state and year. Based on ABS customised report,

  05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12
NSW*  79 79 85 90 90 81 82
QLD 66 60 73 70 65 68 64
SA 84 88 88 96 95 89 89
TAS 84 86 85 94 95 83 83
VIC 87 87 90 92 94 75 81
WA 83 75 80 83 85 81 84
Australia 82 80 85 89 90 80 82


Australian wool production per head

1991/92 – 4.4 kg

2013/14 – 4.4 kg

Highest during the period 1991-2014 4.7 kg (2001/02)

Lowest during this period was 4.2 kg (2006/07)



Meat & Livestock Australia

Australian Wool Innovation

Department of Agriculture and Food

Australian Bureau of Statistics


The dohne outperforms in both areas………fertility & wool cut. Unfortunately information from other key areas of the Dohne’s performance isn’t collected………

doing ability, fecundity, growth rates, fat depth & distribution & meat yield.


From the past

Sydney rams sale 1960.

JN IPhone photos 2012 351

Photo courtesy of Bob Berry, Dubbo

Third from the left John Nadin Snr. Fourth from the right John Coy and first from the right Owen Capper. All young sheep classers with Winchcombe Carsens. How times have changed……this sale went for three days!


Once again thank you for your continued support and we wish you all a Merry Christmas, a prosperous New Year.

May the heavens open up, especially in those areas devastated by drought.

Macquarie Dohne Stud

John Nadin, Greg McCann & Tanya Barton