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Sale Information

Pre Sale Preview Day

  • Friday 12, September 2025
  • Macquarie Ram Depot, “Carinya” Ballimore NSW
  • From 9:30am to 4pm

    • Wednesday 24, September 2025
    • Macquarie Ram Depot, “Carinya” Ballimore NSW
    • Inspection from 9:30am
    • Sale 1pm
    • 180 Specially Selected Dohne Rams
Contact Us

John Nadin
Mobile: 0427 474 610

Greg McCann
Mobile: 0499 865 120

Stud Representatives:
Will Nadin
Mobile: 0430 315 558

James Nadin
Mobile: 0439 709 306

Peter Nadin
Mobile: 0439 717 677

Stud Classer:
James Koster
Mobile: 0427 546 873

Macquarie Dohnes Office
Tanya Barton
Mobile: 0429 208 674

Dohne Stamp

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Central West Genetics

2012 Sale Results

Hamilton Sheepvention, Hamilton VIC

Macquarie increased their sale rams this year by offering 10 selling to $2,750 and averaging $1969. Macquarie’s highest priced ram was purchased by David & Glenda Mitchell, Bairnsdale VIC. Keith Boatman, Crowlands VIC purchased one ram at $2,500, John Witts, Collarenebri NSW purchased two rams for $2500 and $1750. Macquarie also had buyers from QLD, Phillip Clark, Cunnamulla purchased two rams for $3750. New clients John & Helen Northcott, Merino VIC purchased two rams for $2500.



On Property Sale, Warren NSW

2012 On Property Sale 1

Buyers commented on the improvement in wool quality of this year’s Macquarie Dohne ram draft as 133 from 150 cleared to average $1700, back from last year’s average of $2150, while 35 stud ewes sold to $350. Stud co Principal Greg McCann backed the comments of the buyers when he said that the stud had concentrated on improving wool quality and will continue along this path. Macquarie Dohne stud is one of the largest and most genetically diverse Dohne stud in the country with 1600 registered stud breeding ewes in six families. Four states were represented at the sale held at Warren as paddock reared rams were sent to New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia topping at $3400 twice.Repeat clients Michael O’Brien, Brigalows Pastoral Company, Carinda and Neil Arnold, Lake Cargelligo paid the equal $3400 top priced rams.The AA 142.32 indexing ram accompanied Mr O’Brien’s draft of 10 rams, averaging $2,300, while Mr Arnolds ram carried a fleece weight of 17.48.Mr Arnold who took home nine rams which included two of the $3200 equal second top price sires averaged $2444. I was looking for rams with nourishment to handle soil type (red dirt) on their property North West of Condobolin and rams with character in the wool, he said.“We put a lot of emphasis of wool quality and carcase attributes, Macquarie have a large selection of rams, they are good doers on minimal rainfall”.“Allewes are lambed down at Lake Cargelligo and I send the whether portion down to the family farm “Berrigan” Jerilderie to be fattened and sold over the hook or through the Finley saleyards”.A large selection of the draft went to the Walgett district with Chris Clemson, Clemson and Hiscox, Walgett with his repeat and one new client taking home 54 rams divided among five clients to average $1814.The Clemson and Hiscox clients included the Evans family, Coomalah Pastoral Company, Michael O’Brien, Dennis and Trish O’Brien and the Currey family taking 7, 15, 10, 12 and 10 rams respectively.

2012 On Property Sale

Interstate buyers included Barnadown Dohne stud, Bendigo Victoria who purchased 25 stud ewes for $200 per head, while Graham and Helen Crawford, Goldvale Dohne stud, Kingscote, Kangaroo Island South Australia purchased two rams to $3200. Mr Crawford said he purchased stud ewes a few years ago; we were after rams expressing muscle and wool quality.‘The Macquarie rams have improved in wool quality”, Mr Crawford said. Other multiple buyers included repeat buyers Chris Carrigan, Welbon Grazing, Garah who joins 3000 to 3500 Dohne ewes, averaged $1625 for his draft of eight, the Yeates family Garah took 10, to average $1420, while Landmark Wilson Russ Warren took 11 rams outlaying $1000 for each.MrCarrigan said he liked Macquarie Dohne genetics for the price he attracts for his surplus sheep sales, their fertility and wool production.

Macquarie Dohne stud have a diverse genetic base and provide excellent client relationships, he said. Queensland breeders were represented with Mark and Miranda Winning, “Mona Station” Bollan Queensland who paid to $3200 for six and David Hawker, Cunnamulla averaged $1975 for his draft of eight. Mr Hawker was chasing robust meaty rams with nourishment and bolder crimp to suit his country. The sale was conducted by Elders and Landmark with Paul Dooley and John Settree as the auctioneers.



Premier Sale, Adelaide SA

MD103168 Premier Sale 2012


MD103595 Premier Sale 2012









The 2nd Premier Dohne Stud Sire Sale at the Royal Adelaide Showground, Adelaide SA sure an increases number of stud sires, offering 28 sires. Macquarie offered 2 stud sires and topped the sale, MD103168 sold for $12,000 to Havelock Park Dohne Stud, Stratford, VIC, Koonik Dohne Stud, Nurcoung, VIC and Kardinia Dohne Stud, Corowa, NSW. MD103595 was sold for $5500 and purchased by Midgery Dohne Stud, Walgett, NSW. Giving Macquarie Dohne Stud the highest price $12,000 and the highest average of $8750.



Victorian Ram sale, Ballarat VIC

MD103737 Victorian Sale 2012 2



Macquarie topped the 8th annual Victorian sale for the 5th year in a row at $5200. Seven Victorian and NSW studs offered 41 rams with 35 selling at an average of $1723. The top-priced ram was purchased by Neville Triplett Barnadown Dohnes, Epsom Vic. Mr Triplett chose the ram because of the rams quality fleece and body weight. Other buyers included David & Glenda Mitchell, Bairnsdale, $2200 & Chris McLennan, Clunes, $2000.






Tasmanian Ram sale, Campbell Town TAS

Macquarie sold 7 rams to a top of $1700 and a $1360 average. New client Nigel Webb, Webb Industries, Sorell purchased two rams for $1700 each. IC Boyes, Longford purchased two rams for a total price of $2400. Somercotes Pastoral, Ross also purchased two rams for $1000 each and JR Nicholson & Sons, Campbell Town purchased one ram for $1000.